Constitutional Background
Most of Bolivia's 7.5m people are poor Amerindians. Former President Lozada is a Californian-educated mine-owner who pushed through economic reforms. The new President General Hugo Banzer Suarez ruled as dictator in the 1970s. He was sworn in for the new constitutional period of five years on 7 Aug 1997.
The Democratic Nationalist Action (ADN) of General Banzer Suarez won only 22.3% of the vote in June 1997, but was able to arrange a coalition government.
History and News
- 7 Aug 1997: President Banzer Suarez begins his five year term after putting together a disparate coalition against Lozada.
- 1993: Presidency of Lozada.
- 1989-1993: Presidency of Jaime Paz Zamora.
- 1985-1989: Bolivia starts free market policy to tame inflation under the stabilisation plan of minister Gonzalo Sanches de Lozada.
- 1982: Civilian rule is restored.
- 1952: Revolutionary takeover of the tin mines results in Agrarian reform and granting land to Amerindian farmers.
For methodology see:
Comparing Constitutions and International Constitutional Law.
1994 - 11.2.2022
/ For corrections please contact
A. Tschentscher.