
Constitutional Background

Estonia gained independence from the former Soviet Union on 6 Sep 1991. The 1992 Constitution was adopted on 28 June. Estonia has concluded the Europe-Agreement with the EU in June 1995 and ratified it unanimously during an extraordinary session of the Parliament on 1 Aug 1995. In 2004 Estonia became member of the European Union.

History and News

  • 2015: Amendment of Art. 156 (the right to vote from 16 years).
  • 2011: Amendment of Art. 65 para 7, Art. 74, Art. 78 para 11, 14 and 18, Art. 127, Art. 128.
  • 2007: Amendment of the Preamble.
  • 2003: Amendment of Art. 156.
  • 1 May 2004: Estonia becomes member of the European Union.
  • 14 Sep 2003: Referendum on Membership to the European Union.
  • Oct 1995: Eavesdropping Affair; Prime Minister Tiit Vähi offered his resignation to President Lennart Mevi when tapes of secret phone observations of politicians were found among the property of Minister of the Interior Edgar Savissar.
  • 2 Feb 1920: Tartu Peace Treaty with Russia.
  • 23 June 1919: Victory Day; Estonian forces defeat an attempt to restore Baltic-German control over the region.
  • 24 Feb 1918: Independence from Russia.

For methodology see: Comparing Constitutions and International Constitutional Law.
© 1994 - 7.4.2022 / For corrections please contact A. Tschentscher.