Personal Information
Melanie AEBLI (SZ) - Constitutions of Indonesia and Tanzania.
K.B. AGRAWAL (IN) - Constitution of India.
Antonio BASTO (BR) - Constitution of Brazil.
Frank CASTENHOLZ (VM) - Constitution of Vietnam.
Piera CERNY (SZ) - Constitution of Switzerland.
Benito ALAEZ CORRAL (SP) - Constitution of Spain.
Susan EMMENEGGER (SZ) - Constitution of Switzerland.
Rüdiger FRANK (GM) - Information on North Korea and South Korea.
Carlo FUSARO (IT) - Constitution of Italy.
Soluna GIRòN (SZ) - Constitution of Costa Rica, Cuba, North Korea.
Franziska HERGER (SZ) - Constitution of Iceland, Kenya, Tajikistan, Zimbabwe.
George KATROUGALOS (GR) - Constitution of Greece.
Adina KELLER (AK) - Constitution of Austria, Italy, Luxembourg.
Cordelia KOCH (GM) - Constitution of Lebanon.
Karl-Heinz KRÄMER (GM) - Constitution of Nepal.
Konrad LACHMAYER (AU) - Index page of Austria.
Georg MANTEN (GM) - Constitution of Ireland.
Arne MAVCIC (SI) - Constitution of Slovenia.
Alice MEISTER (SZ) - Constitution of Sweden.
Jörg MENZEL (GM) - Constitution of Fiji.
Abimbola OLOWOFOYEKU (AS) - Index page of Nigeria.
Danijel PANTIC (SR) - Constitution of Serbia & Montenegro.
Miguel PRESNO LINERA (SP) - Constitution of Spain.
Martin SCHEININ (FI) - Constitutions of Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania.
Pavel SKODA (LO) - Constitution of Slovakia.
Ulrike SCHMID (ZA) - Index page on Zambia.
Anja SCHOELLER-SCHLETTER (GM) - Constitution of Paraguay.
Wolbert G.C. SMIDT (GM) - Constitution of Eritrea, Ethiopia.
John THOMAS (AS) - Index page update for Australia.
Astrida TJUSA (GM) - Constitution update for Latvia.
Axel TSCHENTSCHER (SZ) - Editor; index pages and constitutional documents.
Emod VERESS (RO) - Information on Hungary and Romania.
Luc VOCKS (CC) - Constitution of Chechnya.
Hsueh-Fung WANG (TW) - Constitution of Taiwan.
Sasa ZAGORC (SI) - Information on Slovenia.
Supporting Institutions
Berne University (SZ) - Home of ICL since 2003.
Cornell Law School (US) - Hosting of US-Mirror in 1994/95.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (US) - Hosting of US-Mirror in 1995/96.
Hamburg University (DE) - Home of ICL in 1994-1996.
Wuerzburg University (DE) - Home of ICL in 1996-2002.
For methodology see:
Comparing Constitutions and International Constitutional Law.
1994 - 1.4.2022
/ For corrections please contact
A. Tschentscher.