
Constitutional Background

The 1990 Constitution established a multi-party, presidential democracy seeking to overcome apartheid. Presidency is directly elected and restricted to two terms of 5 years each; the death penalty abolished.

The common law of Namibia is based on Roman-Dutch Law applied since 1920 which remained in force under the new constitution.

History and News

  • Aug 1993: South Africa concedes Walvis Bay to Namibia. 
  • 21 March 1990: Independence. 
  • Feb 1990: Constitution is adopted. 
  • Nov 1989: Constituent Assembly is elected. SWAPO wins 57% of the votes during first elections.
  • 1988: An agreement is reached about the withdrawal of Cuban troops from Angola and South African troops from Namibia. 
  • 1978: UN Resolution 435 was passed, after the International Court in The Hague had already declared South Africa's presence in Namibia illegal.
  • 1960s: South West Africa People's Organization (SWAPO) and South West Africa National Union (SWANU) launch armed struggle for Namibia's independence.
  • 1946: United Nations reject South Africa's attempt to make Namibia its fifth province.
  • 17 Sep 1920: League of Nation issues mandate to South Africa for administration of Namibia.
  • 1915: Namibia is captured by South Africa.
  • 1884: Namibia is annexed by Germany.

For methodology see: Comparing Constitutions and International Constitutional Law.
© 1994 - 11.2.2022 / For corrections please contact A. Tschentscher.